Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Media Predictions & My Thoughts on Greed

Heard on the news this morning that they are predicting the stock market to fall again pretty hard and our recovery to stall. Isn't that just ducky! I wish the government would get their nose out of the economy, cut taxes, and let us move on. This socialistic attitude is making me nervous. I've been sober long enough to become bored and I need to go back to work. Time to tell you guys what I think and why. The synopsis:

I lost my second job in two years a while back, not because I am lazy or didn’t apply myself; but because the market conditions couldn’t support my position. The document supplied by my former employer read, “Lack of work”. I am supposed to submit this to my local unemployment agency when I swallow my pride and file for unemployment wages. Then I can relax and find a new job because everyone knows that $250- $300 a week can supply the average families needs. Nothing to worry about, right?

My trade is construction. The art of building homes for the residential sector of our nation. Residential construction is one of the last products made in the US. It is one of the driving forces of our economy. It is the suppliers of the American dream- get a job, buy a home, and fill it with 2.5 children and a dog. I have been in this line of work for most of my life, from working at a sawmill, to creating multi-million dollar homes for the rich and elite. I have laid brick, engineered structural flooring systems, project managed 15,000 square foot homes, and most recently sold tile flooring. My resume is deep but does me no good because construction is at a halt. Who is to blame for this? Is it me? Is it the government? Or is it the population of the US in general?

The first person responsible for this predicament is you. By saying you I also mean me, us, we, the American society in general. Our greed has culminated this economic recession. Get what’s good for me and to hell with everyone else. I need a bigger house and a nicer car, my child needs the $100 pair of shoes to impress his classmates, my wife deserves that big diamond in the display case at the jewelry store. Therefore, I must work harder and longer to pay for all the excess I don’t need. At this point, you have forgotten your responsibility to monitor your government. The government works to secure their future and keep the politicians in a job. Their greed. They don’t care about you, the middleman, because its big business that supports them through lobbyists. Politicians have grown government to support politicians- their job security.

Politician’s greed is the next culprit. How can they grow government to secure their big houses and nice cars? Taxation and government control. However, they do throw us a few “bones” every now and then to keep us satiated. Take the “bone” of allowing everyone to own his or her own home. It was a grand idea and supported me for years. Only greed got in the way, big business gave a loan to anyone, bigger houses were built and bought, then it all went sour and the foreclosures skyrocketed. The result- I'm on unemployment and you are renting an apartment because you couldn’t make the payments on your home.

The next culprit- forgetting God and why he made us. God created man out of love. Do we have love anymore in the sense of what it truly is? Do you love your big house more than your neighbor? How about that car in the driveway, do you love it or your wife? Do you love money more than the Lord above? Written on the piece of paper you worship is the phrase “In God We Trust”, do you trust God or that piece of paper? God created man to toil the soil, to hunt, to gather, to war against what is wrong; however, he also gave us free will. Free will allowed us to change our battle into materialistic gain; henceforth the bigger house that I built and you bought. Now you sit behind a desk 80 hours a week working for big business while your family worships what that piece of paper bought.

Yes, greed. Greed has killed the American society. Greed for materialistic gain, greed for ego, greed for getting what I want, you want, the politicians want. Greed kills, it saps us of moralistic endeavors, and it rapes our land. When we as a people realize that then we will prevail, our economy can change, and I can return to work. Until then I will greedily suck my share from unemployment and watch as my dream also goes into foreclosure. Good luck America, in greed we fall.

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