Friday, September 11, 2009

Am I Creating the Moment?

Sometimes I wonder if I bring it on myself through subliminal thought. What I thought would happen today happened. A disparaging look from my wife when I mentioned intimacy, I cleaned the house, did the yard, and she sat on her ass. Only I know she didn't work much- probably facebooking. Facebook is her vacation from reality (but so is blogging/writing for me). I just want to be with her, nothing nasty, just loving intimacy. WTF! We got in a pretty heated arguement about it as well. Usually I just slink off feeling stupid, but today I actually fought back a little (I know it's not healthy, but I had to give my feelings). I was reasonably calm and very rational. She tried to turn it on my smoking and I turned it back at her to worry about herself and try to fix herself, not me. Now I sit in my office and complain to anybody who will read this dribble. Wishing I could cath a buzz.

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